The Sweet Life Of.. Mary, Clare & Celine

Welcome to our blog, we'll document our travels through Hong Kong, Italy and France here!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The start of my packing

Celine & I started making a list of what we should be packing for our trip. I decided I should start this list by working out what our itinerary is, and how much travelling we will be doing between destinations.

Perth - Hong Kong (flight, 7hrs)
Hong Kong (1 day)
Hong Kong - Rome (flight, 12hrs)
Rome (7 days)
Rome - Assisi (train, 2hrs)
Assisi (2 days)
Assisi - Lucca (train, ~3hrs)
Lucca (6 days)
Lucca - Piza (train, 1/2 hr)
Piza - Gatwick (flight, 2hrs)
Gatwick - Heathrow (bus, 1 hr)
Heathrow - Paris (flight, 1 hr)
Paris (7 days)
Paris - Hong Kong (flight, 12hrs)
Hong Kong - Perth (flight, 7hrs)

Phew! now if all that travel won't make me a world traveller, nothing will!

I have a tentative list of what I should pack
  • 1 pair of jeans
  • 1 pair of pants
  • 1 pair of 3/4 jeans
  • 1 skirt
  • 2 dresses
  • 1 jacket
  • 1 light jacket
  • 1 jumper
  • 1 pretty jacket
  • a few shirts
  • umbrella
  • towel, bathers, cap and goggles (in case I find a pool to go swimming in! :D)
  • walking shoes
  • pretty shoes
  • wallet?
  • camera + charger
  • mobile + charger
  • card reader
  • something to do..